Ellen White and Abortion- Stance of the Remnant


I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline yesterday and I see this post that catches my attention.

SOP Post

The question was interesting enough, but  the fact that it needs to be asked is the real shocker. I say this not as disregard to the person inquiring but in disbelief at the current state of Adventism.

The church should be a pillar of Christ’s sanctifying love and order in a world of hatred and disorder.

SDA members should be familiar with where our church stands on such subjects.

Why are we not educated on where we stand on abortion? Even more important, why are SDA hospitals now performing abortions?

First we need to take a look at exactly what abortion is why the church’s stance should be so strong in opposition to this rapidly increasing epidemic.

Abortion – The ending of pregnancy by removal or forcing out from the womb of a fetus or embryo before it has obtained the ability to survive on its own.

In other words abortion is the act of killing a baby before it is fully developed.

Before we get to what Mrs. White says on the subject let’s take a look at what God himself says about His people and killing:

Thou shalt not kill- Exodus 20:13 kjv

I say this often, but, friends, that wasn’t a good suggestion from God. It it a Holy precept and violation of it makes us an enemy to God and the enemies to God will not be able to inherit Heaven nor dwell with the Lord forever.

Book of Ordinances

Regarding the work of Mrs. White I haven’t located in any of her writing where she spoke on abortion directly but she has plenty of writings showing her dissatisfaction with killing and murder. Let’s take a look at a couple.

With His life Christ has purchased every human being. He died a cruel death to save human beings from eternal death. He gave His sinless life to obtain for the sinner a life that measures with the life of God. Through His death, He provided a way whereby man may break with Satan, return to his allegiance to God, and through faith in the Redeemer obtain pardon. . . .  {SD 230.3}

In the writings above Ellen White shows how much the Lord valued the life of every single person.

Next we’ll take a look at how she viewed christians who participate in murder:

they sever the ties of nature and cruelly oppress their fellow men. They can inflict most inhuman torture with the same relentless cruelty manifested by papists and heathen toward Christ’s followers. Said the angel, “It will be more tolerable for the heathen and for papists in the day of the execution of God’s judgment than for such men.” {EW 275.2}

Speaking of the time of the Crisis and great trouble she wrote:

Everything in the world is in agitation. The signs of the times are ominous. Coming events cast their shadows before. The Spirit of God is withdrawing from the earth, and calamity follows calamity by sea and by land. There are tempests, earthquakes, fires, floods, murders of every grade.  {DA 636.1}

After reading these writings I sincerely hope you can agree with me that like all the prophets of old, Mrs. White loved the things Christ loved and hated the things that He finds displeasure in.

We know that killing is a violation of God’s love and government and abortion is just that, killing and murder.

Daily Devotional 11/10/2014- A Time of Falling Away- Sound Doctrine


Is it just me or are we seeing another fulfillment of the bible prophecy “for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first”

I really believe we are already living in a time where sincere Christians are no longer willing to endure it all for the sake of Christ.

I can’t help but notice many Christians resemble the earnest but spiritually deprived professed Christians of the dark ages.

Why do I say that, you ask? I’m referring to the lack of interest in understanding scripture and prophecy.

Many professed followers of Christ really don’t understand the bible for themselves and to some degree or another think that the bible is only meant to be understood by Pastors and/or church leaders.


Without the title priest, most think they still have to come to an earthen vessel to hear from Christ, but that simply is not the case beloved.

When Christ took what we deserved and died the awful death of crucifixion on the cross of calvary the veil of the temple was rent in twain(two) from the top to the bottom; declaring we no longer are separated by sin from our God and we can come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

We no longer needed an earthly priest to make sacrifices for us with lambs and goats because we now have the spotless Son of God as our sacrifices and our high priest.


I went there to go here.  Paul made a declaration in the letter to Timothy that in times to come many professed Christians will no longer endure sound doctrine and will have itchy ears to only hear a gospel that pleases their carnal and debased appetites.

Isaiah also describes this time of spiritual apathy towards the truth of God saying the people would say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:

But why, why would people who claim to love Jesus Christ reject the council of His Holy words? Why will the people no longer endure sound doctrine from the plain teachings of the bible?

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 kjv

When you invite the Spirit of God into your life, Jesus, according to your decision begins to pierce the selfish places of your heart and makes you uncomfortable in your sin.

This is an act of pure love on the Lord’s part. Sin separates us from God and ultimately ends in eternal death. God wills that we shall have life and have it more abundantly.

The problem is that ,well, most people even Christians are holding on to some cherished sins and maybe somewhere on the inside still can’t grasp the idea that they are truly forgiven and can walk in newness of life apart from sin.

This is something that we cannot do in and of ourselves, but Christ, working within, helps us and is merciful to our weaknesses. He cares for us as if we were never rebels against the Majesty of heaven.

We truly don’t deserve this free gift, but in it the immeasurable love of God is put on full display.

When we hear Jesus’ still quiet voice calling us away from a life of bond and imprisonment to sin He expects us to obey. He wants to expose the works of Satan before our very eyes and lead us away from his entrapment.

However a sad reality is that so many people, Christ followers included, will remain enslaved. Not because an escape wasn’t made but because they have begin to love the small, insignificant luxuries of sin and are not willing to let it go.

In these times the plain beauty of the gospel as found in the bible falls on many death ears, but are we to give up? Are we to just label them unclean and move on? God forbid!


And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.   – Matthew 24:14 kjv

Before the Lord returns the true gospel message of love and self-denial must go to every corner of the world to give every soul the opportunity to decide which side of the great conflict between Infinite Purity and malicious evil they will choose to stand on.

A small few(comparatively speaking) will receive the truth with all rejoicing and will shed their filthy rags of unrighteousness and put on the glorious righteous robe of Jesus Christ our Lord, but in contrast, many will continue to drink from the broken cisterns of this world unto the great and dreadful day of the Lord takes them as a thief in the night.

The apostle Paul says of the people carrying God’s message in this time to watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Friend there is nothing in this dying world worth losing heaven and the adoration of the Holy Angels and Jesus Christ over. I hope to see you in the kingdom.


Daily devotional 11/09/2014- Forgiveness to The Sun


Did you know there are approximately 92, 960,000 miles(149,600,000 km) between the sun and the earth?

One of the fastest earth based planes is the SR-71 which at maximum speed travels at about 3x the speed of sound. Traveling at 2283.6 MPH it would take the the SR- 71 Blackbird about 1,695 days to reach the sun.

Why am I throwing all these numbers out at you? What’s the purpose and what does it prove? Let’s say that the distance between the sun and earth is what Jesus has forgiven each one of us, yet we are reluctant and hard pressed to forgive each other even 1 foot.


Why is it that it’s so easy to receive forgiveness and acceptance but so hard to forgive others of even small matters.

Jesus says- “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Jesus was willing to leave the comfort of heaven and come to this world; darkened and decaying under the awful weight of sin to demonstrate His own forgiveness to us.

He came, lived, and died the death that He did not deserve that we by His glorious merit could, at His coming receive the life of the sinless, which we do not deserve.

Yet, often we cannot over-look some of the most insignificant transgressions of our fellow man.

I want to tell you a story about a Jewish man named Simon Wiesenthal. He lived during the time of Hitler and the Nazi organization.  As you can imagine this wasn’t the best period of time to be a Jew.

He and 89 of his relatives were imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. He survived however his relatives weren’t so fortunate.

After enduring many hardships, he finally came face to face with a Nazi soldier on his death bed. He confessed he did inhuman things to Jews and felt horrible about it.

He explained that if Simon could forgive him he could die in peace. This soldier was really pouring out his heart hoping for one big sigh of refreshment from the loving words of Wiesenthal.

After hearing all that the soldier had to say; after hearing the agony in the voice of this heavy laden warrior; after the sobbing and begging, Wiesenthal replied “At last I made up my mind” and exited the room without another word.


Isn’t it amazing to think, Jesus is willing to forgive all of our direct trespasses against heaven but we can’t even let go of indirect hatred towards our fellow man.

Some of you may be saying I would have forgiving the soldier, yet everyday more and more christians sever ties with their brothers/sisters in Christ over the most petty things.

Small disagreements, mean looks, position, selfishness, tiny offenses, and so many things that we could overlook, forgive, and put to the side and be reconciled to one another in fervent, brotherly, love.

I just want to encourage you today to ask Jesus to make His wonderful character apart of your everyday life and that He would light your path to forgiveness and brotherly love, for this is my earnest prayer.

Texas Health Worker Tests Positive for Ebola- Is this prophetic?


Have you heard the news? Reportedly one of the health care workers who treated the Liberian patient, Thomas E. Duncan, who died last week of the Ebola virus, has also tested positive for the virus.

The health care worker took the preliminary test and state health officials confirmed Sunday that the worker has indeed tested positive.

Dr. David Lakey said, “we were well aware a second case could very well be a reality and have been preparing for the possibility.”

Dr. Lakey who is the Texas health commissioner, goes on to say, “We are broadening our team in Dallas and working with extreme diligence to prevent further spread.”

The worker still goes unnamed and unidentified but it has been confirmed this person was with certainty an employee of Texas health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

Officials have confirmed that the preliminary tests were held at the state public-health lab in Austin Texas and other tests will be done by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA.

Ebola suitsFriends this Ebola virus seems to be on the rise and is no longer a foreign threat, but an enemy that has now planted it’s venomous roots right hear on our home turf; but the question I ask you as christians, is should we be fearful of this new pestilence?

Is this the last pestilence we will see? How many lives will diseases like this Ebola virus claim?

Jesus informed us while He was still here on earth that pestilence would be a sign of His soon return (Matthew 24:7)

Jesus teaching

Also by inspiration of the Holy Spirit we know that these pestilence are a result of all the bloodshed that is taking place in the world now.

Strife, war, and bloodshed, with famine and pestilence, raged everywhere. Other nations were engaged in this war and confusion. War caused famine. Want and bloodshed caused pestilence. – Testimonies vol. 1 pp. 268

However as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus and remain active in His commission to take light unto the entire world we can rest assured that God will command His angels to look over us. Take a look at this excerpt from the book “Conflicts & Courage”.

God commissions His angels to save His chosen ones from calamity, to guard them from “the pestilence that walketh in darkness” and “the destruction that wasteth at noonday.” -CC. pp. 337

Friends I wished that I could tell you that the diseases and pestilence will soon go away and everything will get back to normal but prophecy tells us that we’ve entered a phase in earth history in which there is no turning back and the final movements will be rapid ones.

There may be small times of peace in the midst of these calamities but they earth will never be the same again as we previously knew it but with this troubling news there is a very bright beacon of light. The bible is proving itself more and more accurate with every fulfillment of prophecy.

Why is this such good news? This is good news because Jesus says when you begin to see all these things happen look up because your salvation draweth nigh! Amen and Hallelujah! I can’t wait to see my savior coming in clouds of glory to take us home and I hope to see you there.


Military Deception in Spiritual Warfare- Are you armed?


Military deception, have you ever heard of it?

Military deception is an attempt to mislead your enemy based on creating an artificial fog of war. This can be achieved by using visual deception, psychological operations, information warfare and tons of other deceptions.

There are two forms in particular I want to direct your attention to today; Feigned Retreat and The Trojan Horse tactics.

Feigned Retreat is leading the enemy through a false sense of security into a pre-posititioned ambush.

The trojan horse tactic may be one you’ve heard of before. This is the art of gaining the opponent to a fortified area under false pretense to later admit a larger attacking force.

Trojan Horse

Doesn’t Satan, the adversary to all things righteous and good, use these methods against God’s people? Aren’t his efforts increasing in these last times because he knows his time is short (Rev 12:12)?

Isn’t the enemy wroth with the people of God and doesn’t he want to make war with this same people(Rev 12:17)?

Doesn’t the bible warn us:
Be sober, Be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. – 1 Peter 5:8 kjv

If the bible gives such bold warnings.. why then are we still unaware and unprepared for the attacks of the devil, dear brethren?

Is it because many of us have closed our bibles? Is it due to the fact we choose to take the beautiful verses of peace in the bible and deem them as profitable for instruction but ignore the things that are contrary to our doings?

It is my solemn belief that one of Satan’s goals in these last days is to numb christians to the voice of the Holy Spirit through the prosperity messages being taught by many televangelist and even a large number of local pastors and speakers.

We tend to see rebuke as a bad thing that only breaks people down; so we tend to only talk about the pleasant messages of the Gospel. You know, Jesus walked on water, Feed the multitudes, healed the sick, etc… . Which are all great topics to discuss but there is more to the gospel message than just the miracles of the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is also rebuke and instruction in righteousness and a solemn message to every member of the body of Christ to carry the gospel to the four corners of the earth before the probation of mankind ultimately ends.

I think the enemy is trying to take the message of present truth away from the church. Paul makes this statement in Hebrews 10:26:

“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,”

What a sobering statement. Paul is saying, even after Jesus had been crucified for our sins, that if we continue to sin willfully after knowing the truth about Jesus Christ, then there remains no more sacrifices for our sins.

This is contrary to what is being taught to many today. To some, are being taught that the commandments of God are no longer of any effect to new testament christians because Christ nailed the old covenant to the cross.

Book of Ordinances

And I agree that there were some laws nailed to the cross which were a shadow of Christ to come, but the moral law (10 commandments) weren’t a shadow of Christ’s coming, or His ministry on earth, or even as His work as our great High Priest in heaven, but instead the commandments which were apart of the old covenant as well are the very character of God written out on stone tablets and in the new covenant are written on stony hearts.

In fact, the bible tells us that breaking the commandments is actually the definition of sin( 1 John 3:4) so if we say the commandments were nailed to the cross then it is now impossible to sin. Which Paul makes it very clear that we can still choose to sin even after accepting Christ (Hebrews 10:26)

Now after covering that I can now explain why I say the devil looks to numb us to the voice of the Holy spirit that we no longer feel guilt for our sins.

First, we need to take a look at what the Holy Spirit’s work in our life is to be.

John 16:8 kjv- And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judgement.

Notice what it says the Holy spirit would do for the world. It didn’t say when He comes you would get that Mercedes you always wanted nor does it say He would rebuke the devil’s attempt to keep you from getting that $500,000 house you feel you rightfully deserve does it beloved?

No the scripture says the job of the Holy Spirit is to “reprove the world of sin.”

What does reprove mean?

Reprove- Reprimand, rebuke, reproach, scold, admonish, or chastise.

So in other words the job of the Holy Spirit is to lead us away from sin. We hear Him as a still small voice and through the inspiration of the Holy scriptures but if we don’t read for ourselves and if we only hang on the words of spiritual leaders; when they speak contrary to the spirit we won’t know it and we begin to quiet the voice of the Holy Comforter.

Why is it so important that we don’t quiet the voice of the Holy Spirit?

All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. – Matthew 12:31 kjv

What does blasphemy mean according to the Holy bible?

Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. – John 10:32,33

We see that one definition of blasphemy is taking the purgatives of God being only a man. We know Jesus could do this because He was God but for any other man it’s blasphemy.

Let’s take a look at another definition.

And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying,Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sinsbut God alone? – Luke 5:21 kjv

We see that claiming the ability to forgive sins being a man also is considered biblically to be blasphemy.

So how do you blasphemy the Holy Spirit. It’s not one individual act that blasphemes away the Holy Spirit from an individual, but continually denying His work in one’s life. Thus putting your own selfish purgatives above the that of God’s and forgiving yourself of your sins which cannot gain you salvation.

The Holy Spirit’s work is to guide us to the truth(Jesus)(John 16:18) that we can approach His Omnipotent feet and receive mercy and forgiveness for our sins, but you’ll never feel the need for this mercy if you quiet the Holy Ghost and believe that it no longer matters what you do you’re already forgiven for it and there are no consequences.

Please don’t get me wrong our Lord is abundant in mercy and lovingkindness but we are not to take advantage of His grace but instead repent which means to confess and forsake our sins and put our best foot forward in not continually committing the same sin.

Because if we stop listening to the Holy Spirit and feel like this is just the way I am so be it, then that cherished sin can become unpardonable and the devil can be successful in His Military Deception using his own form of Feigned Retreat to steal away your salvation.

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Ooltewah SDA Pastor faith strengthened from persecution in the Soviet Union


Imagine growing up in a communist society where you’re constantly ridiculed for your faith.

When the leaders in your life such as the Principle and teachers constantly call you up in front of your peers to scold you about how ridiculous your beliefs are.

Try to envision a place where the unregistered leader of the church of your country can be imprisoned majority of his life for being faithful to Christ and close out his days in an Yakutia camp.

This was every day life for Peter Kulakov, who has recently became the senior pastor at Ooltewah Seventh-day Adventist Church, as a child growing up in the Soviet Union.

Reflecting on his childhood Peter disclosed that baptisms were conducted in the dark and bibles were hidden under the double floor of an outhouse.

This is likely due to the confiscation of religious properties which is well-associated in Soviet history since the revolution after 1922.

Peter’s family is no stranger to persecution and ridicule. His father and grandfather both did jail time for the testimony of Jesus and His uncle died in a Soviet prison.

In such European territories it is considered shameful and a disgrace to be a christian and mocking and scrounging are sure to follow all that will accept Christ.

Upon entering the military in 1992 Kulakov appeared before a counsel of officers and boldly declared he could not serve on Sabbath(Saturday) because it was a violation of his conscience and beliefs.

Many were in disbelief at his boldness, as it was well known no one gets days off in the military, yet Peter stood firm on his foundational beliefs.

Afterwards Kulaov moved to the U.S.A. seeking religious freedom and has since then Pastored churches in Indiana and Metro- Atlanta.

In his first 3 weekly sermons at Ooltewah; Peter has shared the stories of the persecutions of his childhood and early life.

Instead of being resentful however Kulakov says he is grateful for the persecution in his upbringing because it has strengthened his faith and prepared his for a lifetime in ministry.

Peter has not forgotten his Russian roots. He has a faith-based television program that broadcasts in Russia, and visits Eastern- Europe several times a year to hold evangelistic meetings.

The story of Peter Kulakov can be an inspiration to us all. When facing various trials we tend to say “why me?” However, Peter’s attitude exemplifies that the persecution has prepared him to better serve the Lord.

You know, it makes me think of this verse in the bible.

And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. – Acts 5:41 kjv

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Howie: ‘Put God back in politics’- Is it such a good idea?


Hiya friends,


Do you remember my article from last week on the Hobby lobby protest? Well, if not, you can check it out here.


In the article I did my best to express my concerns about the state meddling in religious affairs and visa versa. 


We’re seeing more and more that politicians- Christian Politicians- better put, are pushing more and more to break down the wall of separation between the church and state. 


On the surface this seems like a great idea for us to have God accepted in the Government and returning back to the foundation on which this great nation was established on.


However underneath the lamblike disguise this will be the perfect time for our prosperous nation to begin to speak as a dragon (Revelation 13:11).


U.S. Senate candidate Gordon Howie released a one-minute advertisement focused on a religious message yesterday.


Gordon says and I quote “ Here’s the truth: the United States isn’t going to solve its problems in a country empty of faith. And it sure won’t solve them with a government that’s hostile to faith,” “A great America needs God.”


Amen Mr. Howie! I totally agree, but where I respectfully have to draw the line at is, I don’t believe that the government should be the ones to enforce faith on the members thereof or to the inhabitants of our dear nation or of any nation might I add.


Remember we are to take Jesus’ approach to live. He was our example.


I said that to say this, when the government begins to make laws on worship or the church begins to pass laws for the nation then we have worship contrary to one’s conscience or else.


Now when Jesus was with us in the flesh did He ever tell anyone, “follow Me…. or I’m going to get the government on you and you’re going to be in big trouble.”


No he didn’t, the people that encountered and followed Jesus, made a morally free choice to serve Him and love Him or not to.


The same option must be available for christians today. Don’t get me wrong I believe strongly in outreach and evangelism so that this nation can get to a state of moral prosperity that is to be marveled at, but it has to start with a choice not a mandate.


“Politicians need to put God back in politics, and pastors need to start talking politics and endorsing candidates from the pulpit.” says Howie.


In my humble opinion friends absolutely, positively not. For the same reasons above. Now we do have voices as christian and we can move together to have laws passed to promote morality or to enhance freedoms but in no way from the pulpits do we endorse politicians. 


That’s done on Caesar’s time not God’s.


Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God‘s. 

Mark 12:17 kjv

                        render to God what's God's


This principle we in our day are firmly to maintain. The banner of truth and religious liberty held aloft by the founders of the gospel church and by God’s witnesses during the centuries that have passed since then, has, in this last conflict, been committed to our hands. The responsibility for this great gift rests with those whom God has blessed with a knowledge of His word. We are to receive this word as supreme authority. We are to recognize human government as an ordinance of divine appointment, and teach obedience to it as a sacred duty, within its legitimate sphere. But when its claims conflict with the claims of God, we must obey God rather than men. God’s word must be recognized as above all human legislation. A “Thus saith the Lord” is not to be set aside for a “Thus saith the church” or a “Thus saith the state.” The crown of Christ is to be lifted above the diadems of earthly potentates.

The acts of the Apostles p.68

Redesigning The Bible With Readability In Mind or Deception?


Thy word is true from the beginning: And every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
Psalm 119:160 kjv

Adam Lewis Greene, a Santa Cruz typographer, has set out with the goal in mind to make the bible more readable to today’s ever-developing society.

Greene claims that the layout of the old and new testaments of the bible discourages readers from reading the book from front to back.

He later adds “ No wonder that while 73% of Americans say they are Christian, only 1 in 5 Americans will cop to actually reading the Bible on a regular basis.


It’s name will be the Bibliotheca, and the idea is to print the bible as just another long book; four attractive hardcover volumes, 2 for the old testament and 2 for the New.

Greene, also goes on to state that the verse and chapter numbers used as reference points are actually new; finding their origin in the Medieval times.

Finally he states, and when I say he I mean Adam Lewis Greene, and not Jehovah, that the bible was meant to be experienced not as a spiritual encyclopedia, but literature.

Now here is my take and personal opinion on the new project the Bibliotheca. While good intension and sincerity may have been at the center of reasoning behind this project, there have been many people throughout the history of mankind that have been sincerely mistaking.

The lack of interest in reading of the bible consistently among the American christians has nothing to do with the lack of readability of the old and new testaments, but more so a lack of understanding and a desire not to be convicted of sins that they hold dear.


How does the bible tell us that we are to understand it?

Answer: Isaiah 28:10 kjv – For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

The bible tells us we must compare scripture with scripture to understand it and we will only find God when we search for Him diligently with all our hearts(Jer 29:13). So simplifying or modifying the bible will not bring the reader any closer to the Lord. The reader needs to come to God with an open heart and learn at the feet of Jesus.

Who’s job is it to convict us of sin?

Answer: John 16:8 kjv- And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

The answer is the Holy spirit convicts us of sin (see also John 16:13) if we deny the rebuke we feel when we read the more difficult scripture of the bible we deny the Holy spirit working in our lives. Which if is done too consistently is the only sin God cannot forgive ( MT 12:31)

According to the top bible scholars of the world- if honestly admitted- after the king james version of the bible were completed there was no further need for any other translation of the bible.

It’s the closest and most accurate resource we have to the original text. Also in many of the latter forms of the bible it’s been found that some versions actually contain verses that gear different meaning than that of the hebrew & greek translations intended and even gave way to some missing versions and I’m willing to bet my lucky stars friends, that this new project, the bibliotheca, won’t be the exception.

Remember God’s solemn warning concerning His holy word

 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Proverbs 30:5-6 kjv

 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:18-19 kjv

Taking away or adding to for a more readable content does make us liable to God for profaning that which is Holy and making no distinction between what’s Holy and what’s profane.

I dare say, that we should stay far away from these “simplified bibles” and cling to the truth of God friends. I will leave you with these scriptures.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 kjv

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What the bible really say about the rapture


What does the bible really say about the rapture? HBO has a new hit series. Maybe you’ve heard about it. It’s called “The Leftovers.” The show is focused on taking a look at what the end time will be like after the church is raptured up and the struggles those left behind face. The hit series is based on Tom Perrotta’s novel and is a concept accepted by many futurist today. However is this view completely in line with the biblical description of the second coming? Let’s find out.
                                      left overs

Is Jesus going to return for His church members that are already ready before the end of the world?  

Answer: John 6:40 kjv – and I will raise him up at the last day.” After Christ makes His claim as the ultimate supplier of eternal need and peace and joy He tells us that all who believe on HIm as saviour He will raise up from the grave on the last day not 7 years before the last day.


Will all the righteous of God be gathered at the same time on the last day? 

Answer: 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 kjv- and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,” The harvest is right for the picking, and the great Law-Giver will return for His precious elect and the dead in Christ will arise to meet their Lord in the air accompanied by the righteous living, what a glorious and triumphant day shall it be.

Will Jesus’ return be a secret? 

Answer: Revelation 6:16,17 kjv – the wicked shall say ” to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; 

This definitely doesn’t sound like a secret to me friends. At this time the saved dead in Christ will be given eternal life and new incorruptible bodies while the wicked living will seek to hide themselves from the brightness of the coming for the Lord just as Adam did after he sinned in the garden of eden.

Does the antichrist make his appearance after the church has been caught up?

Answer: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 kjv- Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, 

Paul makes it clear that the day of the Lord- the second advent- will not come until the man of sin or the antichrist is revealed.

When will the antichrist come? Could he be here now? 

Answer: 2 Thessalonians 2:7 kjv- For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: 

The bible tells us that even in the days of Paul the spirit of iniquity or the antichrist spirit was already working and has been in effect.

Will some of those raised from the dead at Christ’s coming be victims of the antichrist?

Answer: Rev 20:4 kjv- and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;

Well it’s just plain difficult to add commentary to this verse. It’s pretty self-evident. This verse mentions a group of people that had resisted worship of the beast and receiving his mark, and as a result they were martyred for their faith in Jesus.

Is there a reference to 7 years of tribulation just before the end of the world in the bible?

Answer: No, there isn’t the slightest bit of biblical evidence to backup this claim. This belief evolved from a misunderstanding of Daniel chapter 9. Where dispensationalist take the last week of the 70 week prophesy and place it somewhere in the distant future. However this way of examining prophesy is completely contradictory to every other example in the bible of how prophesy works and in fact, doesn’t fit in with the prophesy at all.

 What was Dan 9:24-27 referring to if not the time of the antichrist and the last tribulation?

Answer: Using the year for a day rule for prophesy (see Numbers 14:34) we understand that 70 weeks (Dan 9:24) which there is 30 days in a jewish month, equates to 490 prophetic days or 490 literal years.

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: Daniel 9:25 kjv. This broken down in simpler terms says that of the 70 weeks in 69 of weeks the Messiah will be revealed.

Notice in Daniel 9:25 it says from the going forward of the command to rebuild Jerusalem would be the beginning of the prophesy. The decree to rebuild Jerusalem from the Persian king Artaxerxes went out in B.C. 457 and Jesus was baptized and anointed with the Holy spirit in A.D. 27 which fits the prophesy of 69 prophetic weeks or 483 literal years perfectly. You do the math!

Now the complete prophesy was for 70 weeks so there is still 7 prophetic days remaining or 7 literal years. This is where the idea of the antichrist making a peace treaty with the world for 7 years originates, but is that biblical, to take a part of a prophesy that was meant to be all together and apply it somewhere down the stream of time?

Absolutely not friends, let’s see what the bible says will happen in this last week of the 70 weeks prophesy.  

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: Daniel 9:27 kjv
We have to use the context around if you do then you will see that without a doubt this verse is referring to Jesus. It goes on to say and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. Jesus  was crucified in A.D. 31 and the veil in the temple ripped. Since Jesus atoning blood was sufficient for all of us there was no longer a need for sacrifices of animals.

Now you may say that still leaves 3 and a half years left in the week. I think this verse will clear up the answer to that question for you.

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; Hebrews 2:3 kjv

The remainder of the week was finished by the disciples that heard the words of Jesus personally.

Although it is a very comforting thought that there is an additional chance available even after Jesus returns; friends, it’s simply not biblical. This is our second chance. Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is death.  By our own works we were doomed to death, but by Jesus’s atoning sacrifice we are now able to pass into life. This is our second and last chance to come to Him. Be deceived not, Satan would love nothing more that to lower your guard and have you unprepared for the return of our blessed Messiah.



Supreme Court rules ObamaCare provision can’t force some employers to cover contraception.


Supreme Court has ruled that ObamaCare provisions can’t force some employers to cover contraception, that is a mandate for pregnancy prevention.

This is a great day for religious liberty, right? We saw protestant and Catholic alike come together for the common cause of preventing mandatory abortion. Maybe we don’t differ so much after all.

Why are Christian against the Idea of Contraception Mandates?

While we don’t feel that the government should make laws that outlaw an individual’s right to abort a child; it is a direct violation of the seventh commandment that says

Thou shalt not kill

If this mandate would stand it would mean the violation of religious liberty in which this country was founded on, as well as a violation of conscience.

For a business owner that has religious convictions, a decree to swallow those convictions violates the company’s freedom to worship according to the dictates of one’s own conscience, but forces corporate worship void of love and personal decision.

Unspoken Opportunity in Contraception Ruling

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. – Revelation 17:13

Catholics and protestants came together to push out the forced abortion act from the ObamaCare administration. On the surface this is a beautiful act of unity but the bible tells us that this is the beginning of something far more sinister.

“When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism (the charismatic movement?) … then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near” (Christian Service pp. 160, 161).

This marks the first time in history that Supreme court has recognized for-profit organizations religious rights under federal law or the constitution.

This also signifies of the greatest testimonies that christians of all denominations should lay aside their differences and just love each other and function as one body.

Moral of this story
“Today is a great day for religious liberty,” says , counsel at The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty which represented Hobby Lobby in her interview with Fox news.

I couldn’t agree more. It’s awesome to see christians unite and make a difference in our nation and in the world. After all the bible does tell us if possible live peaceably among all men.( Rom 12:18)

I wished I could say that it would always be as sweet as victory as we are witnessing now.

Prophesy shows the liberties that America has always has stood on and the morals this great nation was founded on will begin to erode and many christians will begin to back laws that limit the freedom of their brethren.

Unity can be a great thing but the bible commands us to form unity around sound doctrine.

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
– John 17:17

There is a quote I’d like to leave you with today from one of the most translated and astonishing authors in the last 200 years, Ellen White, in her classic book, Great Controversy.

ellen“Romanism is now regarded by Protestants with far greater favor than in former years. In those countries where Catholicism is not in the ascendancy, and the papists are taking a conciliatory course in order to gain influence, there is an increasing indifference concerning the doctrines that separate the reformed churches from the papal hierarchy; the opinion is gaining ground that, after all, we do not differ so widely upon vital points as has been supposed, and that a little concession on our part will bring us into a better understanding with Rome. The time was when Protestants placed a high value upon the liberty of conscience which had been so dearly purchased. They taught their children to abhor popery and held that to seek harmony with Rome would be disloyalty to God. But how widely different are the sentiments now expressed!” (p. 563).

Remember these words of Jesus: Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Revelation 3:11 kjv

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